Karen Gallant Painting











I just finished converting a picture of amateur painter Karen’s amazing work into a post card to be printed by Vista Print (she is not to be confused with another more well-known artist with the same last name). The original is 30 x 40 inches, done in acrylic. The challenge is to mate the proportions of the painting to those of the post card, but that is all done now and the cards should be back in about 2 weeks.

The marvel to me is that she spent about 18 months doing it…finding both pictures of each president and researching details of their lives…and she has no US roots. She describes it as a journey without a specific goal in sight at the start. She certainly puts me, coming from the USA, to shame both for my ignorance of much US history as well as a vast ignorance of Canadian history!

Karen has prints of her painting for sale and presumably will have large postcards as well soon. She can be contacted directly at karen_anne_gallant@hotmail.com

4 Replies to “Karen Gallant Painting”

  1. Hi Tom,

    I am going to try the comment thingy again. The painting is an amazing piece of work.

    I checked the box again where it says to “check here to subscribe to notifications for new posts”.

    Even though I did on my last comment I did NOT receive a notification when you posted this post.

    Seems like ypu may have some gremlins in your blog.


  2. Hi Tom,

    Just checking in to see what is new on your blog. No, “redfox” is not me.

    I have checked the box again.


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