The process of yesterday’s post works! Produce your book in WORD in the usual way. Have WORD save the FINAL result as a filtered html file. Never go back into WORD with that html. Using the (downloaded for free) Kindle Previewer (which includes Kindlegen), open the html in the Previewer which will convert to the needed (MOBI/KF8) format. Set the Paperwhite view and look through the book. Then open the html file…the one that came from WORD…in Wordpad…the utility that comes with all versions of Windows. Clean out ALL the /* Font Definitions */ near the top…WORD puts in all the installed fonts on your computer even though they are not used…in any case you want to get rid of all font definitions so Kindle can be free to use the selection set on the particular reader. Next search and replace any reference to points to ems…using the formula 12pts=1em…10.0pt becomes .8em,and so on. After each set of edits to the html, have Previewer process it again and check the results. Once the font size and font face settings work in Previewer, walk through its view of the book, looking for things that are not quite as you want them, and make other changes to the html…still open in Wordpad. It is amazing how much irrelevant junk is in the file, left over from the doc file. I used it to eliminate extra blank lines and group short lists so they are not spaced out so far…convert separate paragraphs <p> into one with breaks instead <br>. When all is as you wish in the Previewer, upload the edited html to kindle for final publishing.
There it is…a procedure to get the desired result for Kindle. I have a hunch that adding pictures is another hurdle, but that is for another book and another day.