Racks and local sales

If I supply Postcards and photo-magnets to local gift shops, should I provide display racks? This has been a question for several years, but the cost of new display racks compared to the tiny profit from such sales made such purchases ill advised. Would enough extra sales result from better displays to pay for the racks in a year or two?

Since the postcards cost about $0.15 to buy from VistaPrint and wholesale for $0.25 or $0.30, if a new display rack cost $15 (a simple 7-card wall rack) I would need to sell 100-150 cards to break even and table-top rotating units cost at least $30 (200-300 cards needed to be sold). Short of building something of my own, it looked hopeless.

I was recently made aware of a program sponsored by the Eastern PEI Chamber of Commerce and Southern Kings Arts Council called “Artisans on Main Street.” It is renting the vacant storefronts along the main street in Montague and promoting ‘the arts’ in most any form. One of their 3 stores is to carry consignment, which might include my postcards. But the fascinating thing is that one of the ladies there indicated that she had seen used display racks at Habitat for Humanity. I guess businesses that fold sometimes give their equipment to charities. A visit revealed two LARGE racks–4-sided, chest height, free standing–for $20 each. One was quite unsuitable but the other could suffice for postcards and books. With a little innovation its 4 pieces could be adapted for multiple uses. Even better, one of the people there said they had gotten more suitable ones in before and expected to get more in soon. So I have re-entered the display hardware market!