Terry has written three children’s books–two involving sea glass and one centered on a dog in Wood Islands, Prince Edward Island.

(ISBN: 978-1-987852-02-8)
This brilliantly illustrated children’s book recounts the story of a small red marble won by an older brother in a contest and loved by his younger sister. Lost while at sea, the marble is churned up by the sea for decades until discovered as sea glass on the shore of Prince Edward Island by the girl, now a grandmother, who shares the story with her grandchildren. These first two books are illustrated by well-known artist Nancy Perkins.

(ISBN: 978-1-987852-05-9)
The lost time in the ocean of the Little Red Marble is filled in in this fantastic, highly illustrated second book. Undersea, the marble encounters dancing jellyfish, a race between lobsters and crabs (lobsters go backwards and crabs race side-wise), a mermaid brings it to a tea party, it gets swallowed by a whale, and it is carried near shore by a flying fish. Mixed in with the fantasy are factual bits about undersea creatures.

(ISBN: 978-1-987852-15-8)
The Chesapeake Bay Retriever named Ben is followed from birth in an 1880s Prince Edward Island Lighthouse at Wood Islands. The runt of the litter, after he grows up he finds and rescue a lost little girl and later protect the lighthouse keeper from a hungry bear. Illustrated with 14 full-page color pictures, this is an excellent book to read to young children ot to be read by elementary-aged children. This book is illustrated by a very talented local young lady, Katya Smith.